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Key Forum issues

What kind of beef will we be able to promote?

In the “From farm to table” strategy, the European Commission emphasized that with regard to meat, under the new policy, it will support the promotion of the most sustainable, low-emission production methods

Will NSP help in the transformation towards a sustainable, low-carbon emission?

Agreements between the EU member states and the European Commission on national strategic plans are underway. Will the interventions proposed by the Member States proposed in NSP projects prepare live cattle producers to new challenges in the field of sustainable low-emission livestock production?

What are these sustainable low carbon production methods?

There is no official definition for sustainable production yet, however, thanks to industry organizations, it has a specific development. The question then arises: should industry organizations formulate their own definition and submit it to the European Commission?

Forum schedule

Dzień 1
Dzień 2


10 March 202212:00-13:00Hol
Karol Bujoczek
Henryk Kowalczyk

Wystąpienie Ministra Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Wsi

10 March 202213:05Sala plenarna

Przerwa kawowa

10 March 202215:30-16:00Hol

Podsumowanie pierwszego dnia konferencji

10 March 202218:00 -18:10Sala plenarna

Kolacja, wręczenie nagród w konkursie Producent Roku

10 March 202219:35-23:00Sala plenarna

Check what the participants of previous editions of the Forum say about us

  • The Beef Sector Forum has become the most important event in Central and Eastern Europe and one of the most important in the European Union for people interested in the development of the beef sector.

    Jacek Zarzecki
    Prezes Polskiego Związku Hodowców i Producentów Bydła Mięsnego

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